Get to Know: Nasthetic

We got the chance to catch up with one of Kings Guards newest members after the 2020 NBA 2K League Draft. Here’s what Hayden Caudle aka Nasthetic had to say.


What was going through your mind on Draft Day leading up to the draft?

I was super anxious and nervous about it. I had told my whole family to watch the stream, so I had thoughts of what their reactions would be if I went drafted or undrafted.


How did it feel to have your name called?

It was so surreal. I was with my mom and my sister and my mom almost started crying. She was super proud of me and couldn’t stop hugging me.


How long have you been playing 2K?

I’ve been playing 2K since 2K13, but for the 5v5 based modes I’ve been playing since park of 2K14


Who are some of the biggest influences in your life?

My Mom is easily the biggest influence in my life. She’s been so supportive of every choice I’ve made in my life and she’s helped me overcome too many battles to count.


What is one of the biggest obstacles you’ve had to overcome to get where you are now?

Definitely choosing not to go to college and pursuing the league instead.


What do you bring to the table as a 2K player?

I bring a lot of things in my eyes. I bring that leadership role and I’m also a team chemistry guy. I bring someone who’s played 2K for most of their life and knows the ins and outs of the game and how to play it to the best of my abilities.


What are your expectations heading into the season?

With the team we have now, my expectations are a championship, honestly. I think we have the best team in the League and that the talent is all there. We just got to put the work in.


What are your thoughts on moving to and living in Sacramento?

I’m super excited since I’ve always wanted to live in California growing up as a kid and for that to finally come true is a blessing alone. I’m ready to get to work and enjoy my time out there.


What do you like to do outside of playing 2K?

Mainly playing basketball in person or watching Twitch streams or YouTube videos to learn about something I could integrate into my game.


What is one thing you would want every Kings Guard fan to know about you?

I want them to know that they’re getting someone who’s dedicated to 2K, someone who’s a perfectionist and works on their craft constantly, and someone who wants to win more than anything.