Black History Month Q&A: Crush

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month, to me, means that African Americans are being recognized for their efforts, hard work and accomplishments. There are so many heroic individuals that can be acknowledged in black history.


Why do you think it’s important for everyone to learn about black history?

I feel that everyone should learn about Black history because it is a crucial part of our nation’s story. It’s also imperative for our African American youth to have an understanding of black history from the past and the present.

Another importance of Black history is how African American culture has impacted so many other cultures across the world. From Black inventors to Black activists – many of these individuals have changed the world substantially.


How do you celebrate your African American heritage?

I have participated in several Black culture events within my community while residing in New York. As a senior in high school, I volunteered as a tutor to help African American youth excel in math and science.


What advice would you give to others who are striving to succeed in the sports and gaming industry?

Advice that I would give others striving to succeed in the sports and gaming industry would definitely be surrounding yourself with people with the same goals as you. I would also recommend streaming on Twitch and YouTube and if you want to compete, you should sign up for tournaments and/or seasons on whatever game you’re playing.

Or if you’re just creating content make sure you network with the correct individuals. That can include going to events and showing who you are and getting to know others that share the same goals as you.


What do you enjoy most about what you do?

What I enjoy most about what I do is that I’m competing both in my childhood hobby (video games) and my favorite sport (basketball). Competing gives me that adrenaline that keeps me going every day and nothing can compare to that feeling, especially playing on a professional platform against the best players in the world.


Why is it important to continue to encourage diversity across the league?

I think it is important to encourage diversity across the league because it’ll effectively help the league grow in all aspects. Showing signs of acceptance and non-discrimination can only benefit the league and show that anyone can play as a professional.